Foodsharing is a 2012 initiative against food waste, which "saves" food that would otherwise be thrown away. Over 200,000 registered users in Germany / Austria / Switzerland and over 25,000 volunteers, so-called food savers, have now made this initiative an international movement. Over 3,000 companies cooperate, in which 7.8 million kilograms of food have been saved from being wasted. Around 1,000 further collections take place every day.
The platform is based on voluntary work. Rescuing and sharing food is free of charge. The nonprofit foodsharing e.V., as the operator of the website, ensures that the website remains non-commercial and without advertising.
In Germany alone, food waste is a major problem: around a third of all food is wasted. And not only the food itself is thrown away, but also the resources that e.g. in cultivation, harvesting, packaging, transport and storage. Waste takes place everywhere: in cultivation, harvesting, processing, sales and at the end user. As far as possible, foodsharing raises awareness of the topic among all actors with whom the initiative is in contact. In various campaigns, the fellow campaigners draw attention to the incredible waste in society and offer solutions. The goal is to initiate education, rethinking and responsible action on a personal level.
foodsharing brings people from a wide variety of backgrounds together and inspires people to participate, think and use the resources of our planet responsibly. There is no other initiative of this size that is voluntary on this scale, communicates publicly how much food is thrown away, and offers solutions from a sustainability perspective.